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Skills Audit

Analysis and Problem Solving 

I try to gather as much information as possible, so I have a good understanding of the problem. Once knowing all the information. I try to choose the solution that best fits possible, that is suitable for as many of the people involved as I can.

Proficiency Level

1 -Little

2- Some

3- Confident

4 - Very Confident

Enjoyment Level

1 -None

2- Some

3- Yes

4 - Definietely

Planning and Organising 


I regularly live my life according to a plan and to do list in order of priority. I like to have things organised, and planned out but I am willing to be spontaneous when appropriate.



Interpersonal Skills

I can make props and costumes, I have helped on numerous occasions with Fettes College Preparatory School.​ I have basic knowledge of lighting, but little on sound.

Technical Skills

I work well with people and I am good at noticing when something is not right and motivation or help is needed. When working in Romania for the four summers, I had to work with children who had very harsh family and lifestyle and who do not speak much, if any english, I had to judge through their little english and mainly body language and action how they were feeling; trying to spot when a child felt insecure or upset and appropriately approach the situation.

Team Working Skills

I thoroughly  enjoy being in a team, and feel that I work well in one. I have been in numerous plays and sports teams that have a large amount of people in them. I also have worked in smaller teams in Romania and in my school's RAF squad. 







Oral Communication Skills

Written Communication Skills

I can adequately listen and intake information that is told to me, and take key information from this. If there is a lot of information to take in, for example a lecture, and there is the possibility of me not being able to keep up to speed on writing it down, I use a recorder, so any information I may have missed can be listened to again.​

Oral communication skills are my strong point, I feel that I can communicate my ideas verbally in a way that everyone will understand. I feel confident in doing presentations in front of a small group of people, aka a class, or a larger crowd, for example, a charity ball. I get the point across in a efficient way, without saying more than necessary or complicating thing. 

I feel that I can effectively get my ideas across in written form, it may take a few attempts but what I write is short and to the point, and without going off track of the point. Spelling is not my strong point but with spell check and the help of a word application called Read & Write, I can write what is necessary.


Decision Making

I am not the most efficient learner academically, as it will take me a number of read throughs to fully understand what I am reading about. But when I do not understand something in class or in a book, I go away and try and find out more information on the subject to give me a firmer grasp of the topic.   

My decision making skills are good, it may take a while for me to make the final decision, but on most occasions the final decision is the correct one. But when under pressure, I make a decision quickly and correctly.

Leadership Skills

I have had many opportunities to be a leader, either alone on in a group. I managed and put on a play, that I wrote, directed and cast of 20 middle school girls, I was a NCO in my schools RAF, stage managed a school play and I was a house prefect and head of house day pupils. These opportunities to lead both in a group and and on my own has taught me the values of listening and understanding my team, but as well as listening, I learnt to take in consideration what would be the best outcome.  â€‹

On occasion, I can get stressed out what there is a disaster situation, but when stressed, I feel I work the most efficiently. However, I know that this is not a healthy way to live, being stressed a lot, so I have a number of ways to calm me down, and the best method is to slow down my breathing and try and think logically about what is stressing me out and trying to figure out how to reduce or stop the stress.

Stress Management Skills

















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